Friday, August 9, 2013

Back to School, already?

Lots of anxiety fills my mind as I think about my own 4 kids going to school in about 3 weeks.  My “baby” goes off to Kindergarten this year. My wild child heads to FULL day first grade.  My oldest goes off to MIDDLE SCHOOL!  The only one who doesn’t have me breathing into a paper bag is Jaden going off to 4th grade. So much transition, many new schedules, and lots of unknowns have my head spinning!
This week, I was reminded how important prayer is.  Prayer has made all the difference in my own life.  And I’m embarrassed to admit that I don’t pray deliberate prayers over my children very often.  I pray the bedtime prayers with them, but they’re pretty generic.
This week I sat down with my kids and asked them what is making them nervous about going back to school.  I wrote down everything they said and we posted it in our home.  The next few weeks before school starts, we will be praying over those things & asking God to help ease our anxiety.  (I didn’t tell them that I was just as nervous as they are to go back to school!)
Remember to pray over your kids as they go back to school. Just as important as praying over them – pray over their school, their bus drivers, their principal, their teachers!  I always give kuddos to the teachers, who manage full classrooms of kids ALL DAY LONG, not only keeping them under control, but TEACHING them things I never could!  I can barely manage 4 of my own kids some days!  Seriously, pray for your kids schools!
Here’s something you can pray for your kids as they head into school this year:
Dear God, Thank You for the blessing of my child(ren). Pour your Love out onto my child(ren) and breathe new life into their spirits. Let them experience You in their own special way and know You are real! Only you can reach their hearts & know their thoughts.  Pour out your Peace on them as they enter this school year. Calm all their fears.
I know You have planned out every day of their lives and Your plan for their lives is far better than I can imagine!  You know every experience they will have this school year (and every year for the rest of their lives!)  I ask You to enter EVERY moment they walk through and let them know You are there! I ask You to give them peaceful rest, focus to complete their work, respect for their teachers, and wisdom to choose good friends.
I pray blessing over the principal, over the teachers, and over the staff people in my child’s school.  I pray they will experience a refreshed purpose for their jobs.  I pray for Your Presence to follow my child through the hallways of that school building and permeate the atmosphere.
I thank you God for the many blessings You have given me. And for Your continued walk with me, even when I don’t stay on the path.  Let the blessings of my life pass down to my children and to my children’s children.  Let your Presence always be with them.ALWAYS.
In Jesus name, Amen

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