Saturday, January 19, 2013


I have gone thru a season in my life that's been dull. Every morning feels like a cloudy, rainy day instead of warm sunshiney day. I have been trudging along, just surviving life trying to be a support to my husband and EVERYTHING to my 4 kids. No passion, no emotion (except anger, man why can't I shake that one?), no joy.

It's been lonely at times.  My hubby and I haven't really connected in some time.  My friends have been sick or schedules within our own families does not allow us to get together. 

But this past week, I feel an awakening in my soul!  For whatever reason (maybe because I don't listen well or because the stage of life I'm in keeps me busy constantly), God usually speaks to me thru others words - blogs, podcasts, books, etc.  I'll hear a podcast, or read a blog and feel God's presence, drawing me in, telling me, "I've missed you, come back to ME! Spend time with ME!"  And I'll remember what an amazing God I serve.  I'll remember that time with HIM is priceless.  It's life-giving! How quickly I forget how much I need HIM. 

I'm glad He's reminding me this week that He's still there.  That He still loves me.  He's reminding me how desperately I need HIM.

It sure makes life a lot more meaningful :)

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