Monday, May 21, 2012


This morning, I went for a run.  Running is a stress reliever for me and a rarity b/c I can only go when all the kids are in school, 2 days per week. I went out to the park where my son played soccer. And it was a beautiful morning, not too cold and the scenery was just cool! At first I was the only one there. Then another woman came and started to walk the same track I was, only going the opposite way as me. So we’d pass each other quite a few times.

One of the last times I passed by her, I saw she was holding something. Maybe it was something about her body language or demeanor, because it seemed to me that she was clutching pepper spray or something like that! As I got closer, I could see it was a pack of cigarettes. She wasn’t smoking, just holding the pack; but there was something about the way she held onto it, like it would protect her somehow.
t caught me off guard. For some reason, my mind went to, what am I holding that might protect me? I had my iPod, that’s it. The next place my mind went was…. what things do I clutch so tightly for my security?

So many times, I clutch things that I think will give me security. I wish I could say that every time I feel insecure, I grab my Bible, or some Godly thing like that. Truth be told, I don’t. There are times, I’m just grasping at the air, hoping to grab onto something that might provide temporary security. Most days, the things I clutch are those things I can tangibly see – people, things, money. Those are the easiest things to hold onto for security.

This morning, God used “a clutch” to reminded me that only He can provide me with security. He also reminded me that I hold on too tight. I’ll have to work on that one :)


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